Memphis 15-MCXS1
Soulful sound
Memphis Audio has been making the world of car audio better since 1965, and their MClass Series speakers are the culmination of quality construction, thoughtful design, and years of experience. With a tradition of great American music in mind, Memphis Audio builds these speakers to reproduce every song with authenticity and impressive detail.
Powerful, crisp highs
Do your high frequencies justice with Memphis's MClass 15-MCXA1 1" aluminum dome tweeters. Memphis includes flush- and surface-mounting gear so you can mount these tweeters in the right spot to create the best possible soundstage for your car. Once installed, you'll notice crisp details in your music that you've never heard before. These tweeters will handle up to 50 watts RMS, so they'll be a welcome addition to just about any system.
Memphis also includes external crossovers to ensure that only the high frequencies are delivered to these tweeters.